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Our Fort Lauderdale Divorce Lawyer Explains How To Deal With An Adulterous Spouse


Marriages can end for a variety of reasons. Unfortunately, one of the most common is adultery. Cheating, whether it involves a physical or emotional affair, is one of the most devastating things that can happen, and many relationships never recover. If a spouse’s adultery is a primary reason for divorce, it is important to be aware of your rights. Our Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer explains how to deal with this type of difficult situation.

If You Suspect Your Spouse Is Unfaithful 

According to Psychology Today, infidelity is an issue in roughly 20 percent of all marriages. This includes flirting and other inappropriate behavior, physical affairs, and online activities that are hidden from a spouse.

Adultery is a deep betrayal of trust. Even if your spouse ends the affair, modifies their behavior, and agrees to get therapy, the relationship may never recover. Being cheated on can take a heavy toll on your mental health. It can also significantly impact your home, finances, children, and other family members. If you suspect your spouse has been unfaithful, take these steps to protect yourself:

  • Gather any evidence you can of their behavior;
  • Let someone you trust know what is happening;
  • Make a list of all marital property and assets you possess;
  • Get statements for all financial accounts;
  • Open up your own bank account and cancel any joint lines of credit;
  • Take care of your mental health and get counseling if needed;
  • Consider how you will provide for yourself in the event of a divorce.

Do not follow your spouse, confront them, or inform them of any plans you have before discussing the matter with an experienced Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer.

How Adultery Impacts Fort Lauderdale Divorce Proceedings

Cheating was previously considered ‘grounds’ for a divorce under the Florida Statutes, alongside habitual drunkenness, domestic violence, abandonment, and other types of bad behavior. However, state laws have changed. The only grounds required now for a divorce in Fort Lauderdale are irretrievable differences.

While your spouse’s affair may not be grounds for a divorce, it can still impact your rights in divorce proceedings. It can factor into divorce settlements, influencing the following:

  • Marital property division: You may be entitled to a greater portion of property and assets.
  • Alimony payments: If you make significantly less than your spouse, alimony can help in financially recovering from divorce.
  • Child time-sharing: Your spouse’s behavior could pose a threat to the health and well-being of your children, impacting their rights in a parenting plan.

Request A Confidential Consultation With Our Fort Lauderdale Divorce Lawyer Today

Being cheated on by a spouse is one of the most devastating things that can happen and a leading cause of divorce in Fort Lauderdale. As an experienced Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer, Vanessa L. Prieto provides the caring support and trusted legal guidance you need during this time, making sure your rights are protected. To request a confidential consultation, call or contact our office online today.




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