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Four Key Areas To Address In A Fort Lauderdale Prenuptial Agreement


A prenuptial agreement in Fort Lauderdale determines each party’s rights to property and assets in the event of a divorce or separation. While a prenup may not seem romantic, it can benefit your marriage by establishing open communication, clarifying personal and financial goals, and protecting both parties’ best interests.

If you are engaged or otherwise have plans to get married, find out more about creating a prenuptial agreement in Fort Lauderdale and four key areas to address.

Creating A Prenuptial Agreement In Fort Lauderdale: What To Include

Under the Florida Statutes, a prenuptial agreement is a legally binding contract a couple enters into before marriage. It goes into effect once they are legally wed and outlines each party’s rights and responsibilities regarding property and assets.

Creating a prenuptial agreement in Fort Lauderdale is strongly encouraged and offers numerous benefits. A Florida prenup encourages clear communication, clarifies the type of lifestyle the couple expects to live, and helps prevent fights about money, a common contributing factor in divorce. The following are four key areas to address in this document:

  1. Division of Property And Assets: A primary purpose in creating a prenuptial agreement is to determine how property and assets get divided in a divorce. The couple needs to identify pre-marital assets and current debts, and negotiate arrangements that protect each of their best interests in the future.
  1. Financial Responsibilities During the Marriage: Prenuptial agreements in Florida don’t just protect you in the event of a divorce. They also help clarify each party’s financial expectations and obligations, establish the type of lifestyle they want to lead, allocate household expenses, set savings goals, and determine how to handle current and future debts.
  1. Spousal Support Provisions: Prenuptial agreements in Florida can include terms regarding alimony or spousal support, which protect the financial security of spouses in situations where they plan on sacrificing their career for the marriage or their partner earns significantly more than them. You can specify conditional spousal support based on specific circumstances, capped alimony payments, or you may waive the right to alimony altogether.
  1. Estate Planning and Inheritance Rights: Prenuptial agreements protect each party’s financial security in the event of a divorce. However, they can also protect you if something happens to your spouse.

While a prenuptial agreement does not replace a will or other essential documents in Broward County Probate Court proceedings, it can help designate beneficiaries, determine property rights, and ensure children from previous relationships are provided for.

Contact Our Fort Lauderdale Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer Today 

A well-drafted prenuptial agreement establishes open communication between couples, promotes clarity in terms of financial matters, and protects both of their rights in the event of a divorce or other unexpected events.

Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer Vanessa L. Prieto has extensive experience helping clients in these cases and provides the trusted, professional legal guidance you need in putting this important document in place. To request a confidential consultation, call or contact us online today.




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