Avoiding Conflict In Fort Lauderdale Child Time-Sharing Exchanges

As a parent, maintaining a close and loving relationship with your child is a top priority. In cases of divorce or when couples are unmarried, negotiating child time-sharing arrangements is a major issue and one that often poses challenges. An important detail that must be addressed is how exchanges between the parties are made. Find out common sources of conflict and ways to avoid it.
Include Child Time-Sharing Exchanges As Part Of Your Parenting Plan
If you have children and are a single parent or going through a divorce, it is important to be aware of your rights under the Florida Statutes. In most cases, child time-sharing arrangements are encouraged and allow each party to remain active and involved in the child’s life. Parenting plans are typically used as part of these proceedings.
A parenting plan provides details regarding each parent’s rights and responsibilities in child time-sharing arrangements. This includes:
- The amount of time the child spends in each parent’s home during the week;
- Overnight visits on weekends;
- Rights regarding holidays and extended stays on school breaks or other special occasions;
- The right to make important decisions on behalf of the child, such as regarding their health care, education, or religious upbringing.
You should also be sure to include time-sharing exchanges as part of your parenting plan. This is an important area for negotiations and details each party’s rights and responsibilities regarding pick-up and drop-off arrangements.
Avoid Problems In Exchanges That Could Impact You Or Your Child
Child time-sharing exchanges have the potential to be a major source of conflict between parents, which is why it is important to include these arrangements as part of a Florida parenting plan. In negotiations, follow these tips to avoid common problems:
- Carefully consider pick-up/drop-off locations: Parents who get along may have no problem conducting exchanges at their homes. In more contentious situations, an impartial area, such as a local park or restaurant, is often better.
- Specify who is responsible for exchanging the child: Be specific about who should make the exchange, particularly if dealing with in-laws or your former spouse’s new partner is likely to be awkward.
- Have a backup plan: Unexpected situations can arise that result in delayed or missed exchanges. A backup plan helps to avoid this common source of conflict.
- Be clear about ramifications: Once a parenting plan is put in place, both parties are obligated to follow it. This includes complying with exchange guidelines. Be clear about the ramifications of not adhering to the plan, which may include going back to court and facing the loss of parenting privileges.
Our Fort Lauderdale Child Time-Sharing Lawyer Protects Your Rights As A Parent
For a parent, nothing is more important than their relationship with their child. Unfortunately, conflicts over child time-sharing exchanges can create serious problems. At the law office of Vanessa L. Prieto, we protect your rights. To discuss your case and the legal options available, call or contact us online and request a consultation with our Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer today.