Can I Get My Marriage Annulled?

Getting a divorce may be the best possible option for couples who no longer wish to be together or have major disagreements on vital issues pertaining to their marriage and children. However, this does not mean that your marital status is now ‘single’ nor does it erase the fact that your marriage happened. You may need to disclose your divorce on certain types of documents and it could impact future marriages you may enter into. For some people, this is intolerable and prompts them to consider an annulment instead. The following outlines important information you need to know about this process in Florida and how it could impact your situation.
Annulment Versus Divorce
Getting a divorce and obtaining an annulment are two very different things. In a divorce, the marital bond or legal agreement you entered into with your spouse is officially broken or dissolved. While you are no longer married, there is still a bond between you and them that could potentially impact you in the future. In an annulment, it is as if the marriage never happened and restores you to your former single status. There are two ways people typically seek an annulment:
- Through their church: The Catholic Church is one religious that offers annulment to married couples. According to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, once you are married in the church, it is considered ‘till death do us part’. If you eventually decide to get a divorce and want to remarry, you will need to get an annulment in order for the church to recognize the second marriage.
- Through the courts: Some states offer annulment proceedings through the family courts. This requires you to show some type of proof that either the marriage was never consummated or that it was never legally authorized to begin with.
When a Marriage May Be Declared Null and Void
In our state, there are no specific laws that directly address annulment. However, the Florida Statutes do list certain requirements for those seeking to wed. If these are not met, you may be entitled to have your marriage declared null. These include:
- Entering into marriage under fraudulent conditions;
- Entering the marriage under the threat of force or due to coercion;
- Not being of sound mind or body when you agreed to get married or took your marriage vows;
- Discovering after the fact that your spouse was either currently married to another or related to you by blood.
Cases involving the above situations not common. As a result, the standard of proof required to have your marriage declared null based on one of these conditions is high. For some couples who feel strongly about the issue, the best course of action may be to obtain a legal divorce and a civil annulment.
Let Us Help You Today
As an experienced Fort Lauderdale divorce attorney, Vanessa L. Prieto can provide the legal guidance you need when an annulment is an issue in your case. Call or contact our office online today and request a confidential consultation.