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Category Archives: Domestic Violence


Ways To Protect Children From Domestic Violence In Fort Lauderdale

By Vanessa Prieto |

Domestic violence in Fort Lauderdale involves abusive behavior on the part of one spouse towards the other and includes physical violence, threats, and mental cruelty. Unfortunately, this can have devastating effects not only on victims but their children as well. Our Fort Lauderdale domestic violence lawyer provides caring support and fierce legal help to… Read More »

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Coercive Control: An Often Subtle Form Of Domestic Violence In Fort Lauderdale

By Vanessa Prieto |

Domestic violence in Fort Lauderdale rose dramatically during the pandemic and has continued to raise alarms in the aftermath. Alongside forced sexual encounters, violent fights, and credible threats, coercive control is one of the most common ways it happens. Our Fort Lauderdale domestic violence lawyer protects clients in these cases, providing the trusted legal… Read More »

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Law Enforcement Lethality Assessments: 12 Questions Police Must Ask When Responding To Domestic Violence Calls In Fort Lauderdale

By Vanessa Prieto |

Domestic violence is about domination, manipulation, and control. As aggressive behavior escalates, the abuser is likely to downplay the situation and attempt to shift blame, making the victim think that they are the ones at fault. Unfortunately, this can make it harder to break free and hinders the efforts of those who may try… Read More »

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Domestic Violence In Fort Lauderdale: Early Warning Signs A Partner Is An Abuser

By Vanessa Prieto |

The Department of Children and Families (DCF) reports one out of every four women and over one in ten men are victims of domestic violence in Florida. Many abusers appear compassionate, caring, and charismatic at first, only to act out and get aggressive once you move in together or say, “I do.” Our Fort… Read More »

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Dealing With An Abusive Relationship? Why You Need An Experienced Fort Lauderdale Domestic Violence Lawyer

By Vanessa Prieto |

Dealing with abuse in a marriage or with a partner you are living with is a terrifying experience. It is often an isolating experience as well. You may be reluctant to tell friends and family, either out of embarrassment or fear of putting both yourself and them at risk. Vanessa L. Prieto provides caring… Read More »

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Dealing With Verbal Abuse? Our Fort Lauderdale Domestic Violence Lawyer Explains Your Legal Options

By Vanessa Prieto |

Verbal abuse is when one person makes cruel comments that belittle and humiliate another. Unfortunately, it is a common problem among couples and can have severe impacts on the victim’s mental health. It can also open the door for other types of abusive behaviors. Find out more about the problem from our Fort Lauderdale… Read More »

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Financial Abuse And Domestic Violence In Fort Lauderdale

By Vanessa Prieto |

Domestic violence in Fort Lauderdale can take a variety of forms, but ultimately it is about the abuser’s desire to maintain control over and manipulate the victim. One of the most common types of abusive behavior involves threatening a person’s finances. Financial abuse makes you dependent and prevents you from leaving the relationship. It… Read More »

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Fort Lauderdale Domestic Violence Increases During The Summer Months

By Vanessa Prieto |

Domestic violence in Fort Lauderdale can happen at any time of year but is particularly common during the summer months. Disputes with your spouse or domestic partner could turn violent, resulting in punching, pushing, threatening, destroying property, or other aggressive actions. Our Fort Lauderdale domestic violence lawyer explains some of the factors that increase… Read More »

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Our Fort Lauderdale Domestic Violence Lawyer Shares Warning Signs Of Abusive Relationships

By Vanessa Prieto |

Abusive people often appear to be ideal partners at first. They are charming and likable and may lavish you with their time and attention. Once you are in a relationship with them, however, they begin to change. Their abusive behavior could escalate quickly to the point that it jeopardizes your physical and emotional health…. Read More »

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Protection From Domestic Violence In Fort Lauderdale When Your Abuser Is A Wealthy Or Otherwise Powerful Person

By Vanessa Prieto |

Domestic violence in Fort Lauderdale happens in all types of families. In some cases, the people involved are wealthy, influential in the community, or otherwise powerful. This can make it more difficult to escape the situation and get the help you need. Our Fort Lauderdale domestic violence lawyer has decades of experience protecting clients… Read More »

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