Deciding Whether to Get a Divorce or to Remain With Your Spouse?

With so much uncertainty today due to financial issues and ongoing concerns over the COVID-19 pandemic, confronting personal issues can be challenging. Decisions over whether to remain with your spouse or to file for divorce can have major ramifications on you now and in the months to come. No one can make this choice for you, but our Fort Lauderdale divorce attorney details some of the factors to consider.
Making Difficult Decisions About the Future of Your Marriage
Getting a divorce is a stressful and emotionally draining experience, but so is living in an unhappy marriage. In some cases, practical issues make the decision to get a divorce more difficult and can cause people to remain together, regardless of their feelings. Common situations in which this is likely to occur include:
- When one spouse makes considerably more than the other;
- When there are children of the marriage who will be affected;
- When you have been married for decades and your retirement plans are tied up with your spouse’s;
- When you have deep fears or anxiety over current situations in the world, such as after natural disasters and amidst the current coronavirus pandemic.
Fear of how you will provide for yourself is a common factor that can cause people to delay getting a divorce. Only you can decide if remaining in your marriage is worth it. However, before making this decision, it is important to be aware that under the Florida Statutes you are entitled to your fair share of any assets accumulated during your marriage, including homes, cars, and other types of property, as well as savings, investments, and any funds in retirement accounts. You may also be entitled to spousal support, which can help make the transition to living on your own.
When It May Be Time to Seek a Divorce
Even the most happily married couples go through occasional rough patches. However, there are situations in which filing a divorce petition is the best option. These include:
- When there are deep disagreements in terms of lifestyle and important issues, such as whether to have children;
- When your partner is unwilling to attend marriage counseling to help resolve your problems;
- When one of the parties has had an affair and is unwilling to renounce their behavior;
- When your spouse engages in criminal behavior or has a drug or alcohol problem and refuses to get treatment.
Domestic abuse is another deal-breaker in marriage. Sadly, the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) reports that more than 100,000 people are victims of assault, abuse, threats, stalking, or harassment at the hands of their partner each year. If this is going on in your marriage, you need to put a stop to it right away.
Let Us Help You Today
As an experienced Fort Lauderdale divorce attorney, Vanessa L. Prieto can guide you in options available in your situation while making sure your best interests are protected. To schedule a confidential consultation, call our office online today.