Does Getting Married Too Young Increase Your Odds of Getting A Divorce?

Couples often opt to wait to get married until they get older and more settled in their lives. If you are considering getting married at a young age, you may have concerns about whether this is a good idea.
If you did marry at an early age and are now considering getting a divorce, you may be wondering whether having married young was a contributing factor. Our Fort Lauderdale divorce attorney sheds some light on the issue of age and marriage, while highlighting some key issues to consider.
What is The Best Age To Get Married In Florida?
Under the Florida Statutes, the legal age to get married is 18, but you can wed at 17 provided you have a parent’s permission. However, just because you can get married does not mean you should. While there is no ‘best age’ for tying the knot, the following are important considerations:
- How long have you known your partner? The more you get to know your intended spouse, the greater the odds of a successful marriage.
- What have you experienced together? Shared experiences help cement the bond between a couple.
- What is your maturity level? Honestly assess whether you or your partner still have some growing up to do.
- Are you able to make and keep commitments? Marriage is a lifelong commitment. Do not enter into a marriage if you are already considering divorce as an option.
Making A Marriage Work When You Are Young
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median age to get married in the U.S. has steadily climbed over the past 40 years. In 2021, the average age of partners when they first wed was 30 years old, up from age 25 in 2000.
While waiting until you are older and have achieved a certain amount of success and financial security on your own is not a bad idea, it does not mean that a marriage between younger spouses will not work out. Ways to help make your marriage work in this situation include:
- Adjust your expectations: Marriage is hard work at times. While there are shared joys and special moments, you can expect to face certain challenges.
- Consider your shared future: Look beyond wedding planning to the type of life you are likely to live in the aftermath..
- Be willing to compromise: You and your partner should want many of the same things out of life. However, be prepared to compromise. As you get older, your attitudes, interests, and general goals in life may change.
Reach Out To Our Fort Lauderdale Divorce Attorney
Regardless of the age you marry or how long you have been with your spouse, relationship problems can prompt you to consider divorce. To discuss your options in a safe, supportive, and non-judgemental environment, reach out to Fort Lauderdale divorce attorney Vanessa L. Prieto. Call or contact our office online and request a confidential, no-obligation consultation today.