Durational Alimony In Fort Lauderdale: How New Changes In State Laws Could Impact Your Rights

If you are going through a divorce in Fort Lauderdale, one of the biggest impacts you are likely to face concerns your finances. If you make less than your spouse or relied on them as the primary breadwinner, you may be wondering how you will support yourself in the aftermath. Alimony can play a major role in the recovery process. Find out more about how recent changes in state laws could impact your rights to durational alimony payments.
What Is Durational Alimony In Florida?
Money is often a major issue when getting a divorce in Fort Lauderdale. Getting the total amount you are entitled to can make a major difference in being able to adjust afterward. In addition to a marital property and asset settlement, you may also be entitled to alimony.
Under the Florida Statutes, durational alimony may be awarded in cases where one spouse makes considerably more than the other. As the name implies, it is awarded temporarily, based on the length of your marriage and other factors. Facts the court will consider in awarding duration alimony payments include:
- Each spouse’s individual income and assets;
- How marital property and assets are divided between them;
- Whether one of the spouses sacrificed their own career or education for the sake of supporting their partner or raising children from the marriage;
- Any marital misconduct that may have resulted in depleted assets, such as affairs or a gambling addiction.
How Changes In State Law Impact Your Rights To Durational Alimony In Florida
Recent alimony reforms in Florida went into effect on July 1, 2023. Changes made due to passing Senate Bill 1416 into law have the potential to impact both your rights to alimony and the length of time you receive payments. These include:
- Time requirements for receiving durational alimony: You must have been married for at least three years to be entitled to durational alimony payments in Fort Lauderdale.
- What durational alimony is designed to cover: Previously, durational alimony could help in maintaining the same standard of living post-divorce as you enjoyed during your marriage. Now, it is designed only to provide for your reasonable needs.
- The length of time you are entitled to receive it: In the past, durational alimony was generally awarded for up to half the time you were married. While this still applies to couples married for up to ten years, you may be entitled to receive it for additional periods if you were married longer. The maximum is 75 percent of the total years married for marriages lasting 20 years or more.
Discuss Your Options With Our Fort Lauderdale Alimony Lawyer
Alimony payments can play a major role in helping you adjust financially to divorce. Fort Lauderdale alimony lawyer Vanessa L. Prieto provides the trusted legal representation you need to get the total amount you deserve. To discuss your options, call or contact us online and request a consultation today.