Five Common Reasons For A Spouse To Refuse Cooperating In Fort Lauderdale Divorce Proceedings

No one is happy to have to admit a marriage is failing, but there comes a time when you have to face the facts. If fighting and hostility have become hallmarks of your relationship, filing for a divorce may be the best option, but there are reasons your spouse may not agree.
Our Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer represents local clients in these cases. We offer caring support and trusted legal guidance, which is needed to protect your rights. Your spouse may be sincere in wanting to remain married, but there are other common reasons for refusing to cooperate with a divorce:
- Power Struggles and Control
Psychology Today warns that power struggles are a common issue between married couples. Your spouse may like to think they are ‘the boss’ and require the final say in all matters, but the need to constantly placate them can prove disastrous for your relationship.
Power struggles and control issues frequently cause problems in divorce hearings as well. This can manifest in ways such as refusing to show up at court hearings or waging epic battles when it comes to property division.
- Revenge or Spite
The breakdown of a marriage is a messy business. There may have been harsh words, adultery or other behaviors that caused hard feelings. Your spouse may also decide to throw a tantrum, acting out in anger and being spiteful. Not only could this delay getting a final order, but it could also put your safety at risk. Our experienced Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer can recommend precautions to take.
- Personal Financial Gain
Under the Florida Statutes, marital property in a Fort Lauderdale divorce is divided on an equitable basis. This includes homes, cars, and other items purchased during your marriage, as well as money in bank accounts, shares in business, and retirement benefits.
To avoid having to share certain assets, your spouse may be thinking about hiding them offshore or selling property only to repurchase it later. Delaying your divorce may allow them more time to pad their own nest.
- Pressure From Family, Friends, Or Professional Acquaintances
Certain faiths and ethnicities discourage divorce, and your spouse may be facing pressure from family and friends. Depending on what they do for a living and whether they are in the public eye, going through a Fort Lauderdale divorce could negatively impact their career as well.
- Feeling Protective Of Children
As a parent, this naturally pulls on your heartstrings and may cause you to doubt your decision to get a divorce. However, keep in mind that children tend to pick up on tension, and living in a hostile home environment is likely to have far more significant negative impacts.
Contact Our Fort Lauderdale Divorce Lawyer Today
If your spouse refuses to cooperate with a divorce, know there are options available. To protect your rights, discuss the situation with experienced Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer Vanessa L. Prieto. Contact our office today to request a consultation.