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Five Types of Temporary Orders Available In Fort Lauderdale Divorce


When filing for a divorce in Fort Lauderdale, it can be extremely difficult waiting for a judge to decide matters pertaining to money, property, and children and to issue a final divorce order. Fortunately, you may be able to request a temporary order while you wait for your case to resolve. Our Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer explains five types of temporary orders that are available.

Getting A Temporary Order Issued In Your Divorce Case

Under the Florida Statutes, there are important issues pertaining to money, property, and children that must be resolved in any divorce case. If your divorce is complex, such as in high-asset cases, or you and your spouse are on particularly contentious terms, it can take up to a year or more before you get a final divorce order.

Fortunately, a temporary order may be available and can help in protecting your rights while you wait. There are generally five types of temporary orders in Fort Lauderdale divorce cases:

  1. Temporary Spousal Support Order

If your spouse makes significantly more than you or you sacrificed your own career or education for the sake of your marriage, you may be entitled to spousal support. These payments can help you adjust to living alone and supporting yourself while helping you get the skills or experience needed to reenter the workplace.

  1. Temporary Order for Property Division

A major concern for most couples is how homes, cars, furniture, and other property and assets are divided in a Fort Lauderdale divorce. If you would like to remain in the family home, require the use of a vehicle, or have other pressing needs, you may be able to obtain a temporary order granting you possession of certain property pending any final marital property agreements.

  1. Temporary Child Time-Sharing Order

Going through a divorce is particularly difficult for parents, who worry about the impacts on their children. Child time-sharing arrangements are often a hotly contested issue in the Broward County Family Court. A temporary order sets boundaries and helps ensure ongoing contact with each parent while a more formal parenting plan is negotiated.

  1. Temporary Child Support Order

Children should not suffer financially just because their parents get a divorce. Temporary child support orders in Fort Lauderdale ensure that the child is provided for and that each parent pays their fair share.

  1. Temporary Injunction For Protection From Domestic Violence

Domestic abuse is unfortunately common in Fort Lauderdale and often arises in divorce cases. You can request a temporary injunction prohibiting your spouse from contacting you, appearing at your home, or otherwise harassing and threatening you.

Contact Our Fort Lauderdale Divorce Lawyer Today

Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer Vanessa L. Prieto takes the legal actions needed to ensure you have what you need and are protected throughout the divorce process. To get the caring support and trusted legal guidance you need during this difficult time, contact our office and request a consultation today.





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