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Fort Lauderdale Domestic Violence Increases During The Summer Months


Domestic violence in Fort Lauderdale can happen at any time of year but is particularly common during the summer months. Disputes with your spouse or domestic partner could turn violent, resulting in punching, pushing, threatening, destroying property, or other aggressive actions. Our Fort Lauderdale domestic violence lawyer explains some of the factors that increase the risks and how to protect yourself in this type of dangerous situation.

Why Divorce Violence In Fort Lauderdale Can Increase During The Summer Months

Domestic violence is defined as any type of abuse that occurs between household members. According to the Florida Department of Children and Families, over 100,000 cases are reported to the authorities each year. Thousands of others go unreported.

Domestic violence in Fort Lauderdale, which includes physical fights, verbal putdowns, threats, sexual assault, and stalking or other types of harassment, tends to increase over the summer season. While there is no excuse for domestic abuse, factors that tend to increase the risks include:

  1. High heat and humidity: Tempers are more likely to flare as the weather gets warmer.
  2. More hours spent at home: Fort Lauderdale residents may spend more time indoors, beating the heat with air-conditioning.
  3. Children out of school: Having to take care of and entertain children over the summer can add stress to an already tenuous situation.
  4. Issues concerning housing and other basic needs: Few things can create tension in the home than not having money to meet basic needs.

The National Domestic Violence Hotline reports that abusive incidents do not just happen at home during the summer months. They can arise while traveling or when visiting Fort Lauderdale on vacation.

Ways To Prevent Domestic Violence In Fort Lauderdale During The Summer Months

Domestic violence is generally about control and the desire to retain power. The more laid-back life gets during the summer, and the more independent you are in engaging in activities, the more likely abusive situations are likely to flare. To prevent this from happening, follow these steps:

  • Accept the reality of the situation and the dangers it poses;
  • Recognize that you are not at fault and that your abuser is manipulating you;
  • Get the support you need from family, friends, or community groups;
  • Get a restraining order to protect you against future abuse and harassment.

Under the Florida Statutes, domestic violence is a serious crime in Fort Lauderdale. When behavior on the part of a spouse or domestic partner threatens your health and safety, the situation requires immediate action.

Request A Confidential Consultation With Our Fort Lauderdale Domestic Violence Lawyer 

Domestic violence in Fort Lauderdale is an unfortunately common problem and tends to increase during the summer months. The law office of Vanessa L. Prieto works with victims in these cases, taking the legal actions needed to protect their rights and their safety. To discuss your options, call or contact our office online and request a confidential consultation with our Fort Lauderdale domestic violence lawyer today.



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