How Being Distracted Can Affect Child Time-Sharing In Fort Lauderdale

April was Distracted Driving Awareness Month and calls attention to one of the biggest hazards on the road. However, the urge to multitask and being connected to cell phones, tablets, and other devices constantly can have negative impacts on other areas of life as well. This is an increasingly common problem among families and may become an issue in Fort Lauderdale child time sharing proceedings.
Being Distracted Can Have Negative Impacts On Children
Distracted driving is a serious hazard that all parents need to be aware of. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving car accidents claim the lives of more than 3,000 people each year. Whether transporting children between each parent’s home or taking them on outings, avoid cell phones or other distractions that divert your attention from the road.
Alongside increasing car accident risks, there are other ways being distracted can impact your children. The National Children’s Hospital in Washington, DC warns that while multitasking is a valuable skill, it can also send a negative message to your children. To ensure they get your full attention, follow these tips:
- When engaging in activities together or watching children at school or sports events, stay in the moment.
- Pay attention to when they are speaking and avoid interruptions;
- Do not let resentments or conflicts concerning the other parent ruin any time spent with your child.
- Going through a divorce and raising children as a single parent is stressful. Keep in mind that putting worries aside for just a few hours and focusing on fun activities with your child is a great stress reliever.
If the other parent is frequently distracted and not focusing on your children, discuss the matter with our Fort Lauderdale child time sharing lawyer. If this behavior impacts your child’s physical safety or mental health, we can help you make modifications in your parenting plan.
Helping Your Children Focus When They Are In Your Care
Adults are not the only ones who can get distracted. The National Institutes of Health reports that many children have difficulty focusing as well. In some cases, it is due to conditions such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). In others, it is simply the result of behavior tolerated at home. Steps that can help address this situation:
- Put limits on cellphone, computer, and television usage;
- Ask the other parent if they are willing to set the same limits in their home;
- Model good behavior by following your own rules;
- Plan times with your child when you each have the other’s full attention.
Contact Our Fort Lauderdale Child Time Sharing Lawyer
Being distracted and unable to focus is a common problem for both parents and children. If it impacts your parenting plan or your child’s health and safety, reach out to the law office of Vanessa L. Prieto. We can advise you on whether parenting time modifications or other changes are needed. To request a consultation with our Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer, call or contact us online today.