How Important Is Your Past in Child Time-Sharing Proceedings

In any legal situation involving parents, the mere thought of losing your rights or being unable to spend adequate amounts of time with your child is enough to cause a panic. This is particularly true in child time sharing proceedings, where past behaviors can influence the future relationship with your child. It is important to recognize that no one is perfect and being able to overcome prior bad habits or personal trials is a testimony to your strength and current character. However, these are situations you need to discuss with your Fort Lauderdale child custody and time sharing attorney, so that they can be effectively dealt with in court.
Prior Events that Could Influence Child Time-Sharing Plans
In any situation involving children, the court’s primary concern is protecting their safety and well-being. As a result, there are several issues the judge in your child time sharing case will consider before approving any parenting plans that are submitted. Under the Florida Statutes, this includes the parent’s current and prior relationship with the child and their ability to nurture and provide for them. Prior events and personal issues from your past which could impact your current rights include:
- A prior history of abandoning or neglecting the child;
- Prior accusations of domestic violence or issues involving other types of abuse;
- A history of illegal behavior or prior criminal convictions;
- Associations with the ‘wrong crowd’, such as gangs or close ties to other criminals;
- Marital misconduct, such as having an affair, which may have put your child at risk;
- A prior history of untreated drug or alcohol abuse.
Just because you dealt with the above issues in your past does not mean the court will terminate your rights as a parent or prevent you from being a part of any current time sharing arrangement. The important thing is to show that these issues were in the past and that you have taken the steps needed to address them.
When the Other Parent Uses Your Past Against You
If the other parent is familiar with your past or problems occurred during the time you were together, you can expect them to be brought up in child time sharing negotiations. Even if they are unaware of your past, it is vital to disclose this information to your child time sharing attorney. This allows time to prepare and develop a strategy to combat any inferences or allegations.
According to the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, these types of accusations can be a factor in court proceedings. However, how you currently behave in regards to your responsibility to your children and your courtroom behavior can easily outweigh any allegations from the past that are brought up against you.
Contact Us Today for Help
Past issues do not have to impact your current and future rights to your child. Florida child time sharing attorney Vanessa L. Prieto acts as a strong advocate on your side in these situations. To request a consultation regarding how these issues could impact your case, contact our Fort Lauderdale office today.