How to Maintain a Healthy Attitude During Your Divorce

The end of a marriage is never pleasant. After starting out with the intention to spend the rest of your lives together, your energies are now focused on rebuilding your life apart from your spouse. Factors in your divorce or events that occurred during your marriage can leave you feeling angry, sad, hopeless, or betrayed. These emotions are common and the good news is that they do not last forever. However, they can factor into how quickly you recover and how successful you are in resolving divorce related issues.
Dealing With Divorce-Related Feelings
According to the American Psychological Association (APA), close to half of all marriages end before hitting their 20th anniversary, while 20 percent of first marriages end within the first five years. However, knowing these facts does not necessarily change the grief and pain you are likely to experience. It is only natural to want to lash out, particularly in terms of how you deal with your soon to be former spouse.
Unfortunately, taking an emotional stance is not likely to make you feel better. In fact, it can make you feel worse in the long run. In addition to the lingering effects that anger or depression can have on your mind and body, your attitude can also impact practical matters in your divorce proceedings. The APA recommends building a strong support system in order to deal with your feelings during this difficult time. If you find yourself struggling, understand that it is perfectly acceptable and in fact common to seek professional help.
Avoiding Unhealthy Behaviors
While it takes time to adjust to a divorce and you will likely experience some degree of discomfort upon seeing your spouse in court, there are actions you can take to help you get through the process. Substituting unhealthy behaviors in favor of more positive actions can have an impact on your divorce and your eventual recovery. Consider the following tips:
- Avoid an adversarial stance. Rather than seeing your spouse as the ‘enemy’ in divorce proceedings, taking a more practical and impersonal approach can lesson some of your negative feelings.
- Remember it is not a competition. You have nothing to prove either through your divorce or in negotiations. Your only concern is getting the settlement you need to move on with your life.
- Be willing to negotiate. Realize you will not necessarily be able to dictate all the terms. Your divorce attorney can guide you in areas where you may need to be flexible.
- Keep the end in sight. Remember that what you are feeling will not last forever and that you will eventually be able to move on to a healthier, happier life.
Contact Us Today for Help
Fort Lauderdale divorce attorney Vanessa L. Prieto provides the professional legal guidance you need to resolve your divorce case in the most effective and efficient manner possible. To find out how she can help you, call or contact our office online and request a confidential consultation today.