How To Talk To Your Soon-To-Be Spouse About A Prenup

Spring is finally here and for engaged couples, it is time to make firm plans for tying the knot. The warm weather months are among the most common for weddings, which means you may be in the midst of some major planning. However, there is one important task that often gets overlooked, which is creating a prenuptial agreement. The following provides details on why you need one and how to bring it up to your future spouse.
Do I Need A Prenuptial Agreement?
Under the Florida Statutes, a prenuptial agreement is a legal contract that goes into effect at the moment you say, “I do.” It details rights and responsibilities in regards to financial matters on the part of both you and your spouse while addressing how these matters will be handled in the event of divorce.
Engaged couples often think they do not need a prenuptial agreement, based both on the strength of their relationship and the current economic status. However, there are some important reasons everyone should get one:
- It encourages frank discussions about finances. Money matters are one of the most common sources of fighting in marriage. A prenuptial agreement encourages open communication and details assets and debts you are entering the marriage with.
- It reveals attitudes in regards to money. Some people are more focused on spending money while others value saving. A prenup allows you to uncover differences in attitudes about money, which could eventually cause problems.
- It adjusts lifestyle expectations during marriage. It is important to be on the same page in regards to the type of lifestyle you want and financial goals.
- It protects you in the future. A prenup conveys certain rights to your partner, supplementing wills and other estate planning documents.
Talking To Your Partner About A Prenup
It is common for one partner to feel strongly about a prenuptial agreement while being reluctant to bring up the topic to their future spouse. The Huffington Post offers some tips to guide you in these conversations:
- Bring it up early. It is best to bring up a prenuptial agreement several months before you get married, rather than trying to spring it on your partner at the last minute.
- Remind your partner that it is not a negative reflection on them or the relationship. Emphasize that getting a prenup does not mean you lack faith in the marriage. In fact, it shows your commitment to honest communication and being proactive in making your marriage stronger.
- Emphasize the importance of formal financial disclosures. Formally listing all assets and debts while making setting financial goals for your marriage is in both of your best interests.
- Point out future protections. Remind them of the estate planning benefits and the fact that a prenuptial agreement prevents you from being at the mercy of the courts.
Let Us Help You Today
Fort Lauderdale family law attorney Vanessa L. Prieto is here to answer your questions and concerns about prenuptial agreements. Reach out and call or contact our office online to request a consultation today.