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License Suspensions Due To Failure To Make Fort Lauderdale Child Support Payments


Parents have a legal duty to provide for their children. If you have a child support order in Fort Lauderdale in place, a non-paying parent can be subject to enforcement actions. Among the penalties they face include suspension of state-issued licenses. Our Fort Lauderdale child support lawyer explains when this type of action is taken and how to get the total amount you and your child are owed.

License Suspension and Other Child Enforcement Actions In Fort Lauderdale 

Under the Florida Statutes, parents are required to provide for their children. The amount t required varies based on state guidelines and each party’s individual income and assets. Even if the other parent is not working or has quit their job to avoid paying, the judge may impute an amount based on their education and prior work history.

Once a child support order is put in place through the Broward County Family Court, they are required to pay. Failure to do so constitutes contempt of court. Penalties include heavy fines and court costs, as well as a potential jail sentence. Having a court order also entitles you to take enforcement actions through the Florida Department of Revenue. These include:

  • Wage garnishment;
  • Seizure of assets in bank accounts;
  • Property liens;
  • Seizure of tax returns, lottery winnings, or other benefits;
  • Suspension of state-issued licenses.

State-issued license suspensions apply to driver’s licenses and business or other professional licenses, potentially impacting their ability to earn a living. Hunting, boating, or other licenses could also be suspended, impacting the other parent’s ability to engage in their favorite recreational activities.

How To Get The Child Support You Are Owed

Losing a driver’s or professional license can result in financial ruin and loss of a career. Losing these licenses due to unpaid child support also ruins your reputation, both in the community and in personal relationships. In many cases, the at-fault party will pay in order to prevent this from happening.

License suspension and other enforcement actions help ensure parents fulfill their financial obligations to their children. However, in order to get the total amount of child support owed, you will need to take these steps:

  • Make a list of all expenses related to your child, including food, housing, clothes, medical care, and educational costs;
  • Document your income and any property or assets you own;
  • Gather as much information as possible about the other parent’s income and assets;
  • Get a child support order issued by the court;
  • Inform your child support lawyer immediately if the other parent falls behind on payments.

Request A Consultation With Our Fort Lauderdale Child Support Lawyer Today

Parents have a legal duty to provide for their children. To get the child support you are owed, contact the law office of Vanessa L. Prieto. We can guide you in obtaining a child support order and enforcement actions to ensure it gets paid. Request a consultation with our Fort Lauderdale child support lawyer today.




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