Making Holiday Plans for Children After Divorce

Now that fall is here, the holidays are right around the corner. While you may be hesitant to rush into decorating or making other plans, one area you do need to look ahead is in regards to your children. If you are separated or going through a divorce, you will likely need to share the holidays as part of any child time-sharing agreements. You may have strong feelings about how these special occasions should be celebrated or where your child should stay during this time. However, be aware that you may need to compromise in certain areas. The following offers tips on how to get through this process.
Dividing Time Between You and the Other Parent
Under Section 61.13 of the Florida Statutes, the court favors child time sharing arrangements that allow both parties to remain active and involved in the child’s life. This is provided they are able to fulfill their responsibilities and that time spent with them is in the child’s best interests.
These arrangements are generally made through the use of a Florida Court parenting plan, which outlines where the child spends time during the week and on weekends, as well as during school breaks, holidays, and special occasions. In general, you can expect to have your child with you on alternating years, again provided these arrangements are appropriate for the situation involved.
Adjusting to Holiday Child Time-Sharing Arrangements
The idea of not being able to engage in your usual activities and holiday traditions with your child is something that most parents strongly resist. However, remember that the period after a divorce is a time for major adjustments and how you react will impact your child’s well being and their ability to adjust to the situation.
According to Psychology Today, one of the first steps is developing a new relationship with the other parent. While hard feelings and prior experiences may mean you will never be ‘friends’, the fact is you will need to work together to some degree for the sake of your child. Aim for a professional relationship, in which you discuss plans with cool, level heads. In the best case situation, your former partner will respond to a spirit of cooperation by returning the favor when it comes to making holiday plans.
In more contentious cases, simply stick to the court order. Be willing to adapt to whatever schedule changes this requires, such as having holiday get togethers at different hours or on days before or immediately after. Incorporate cherished, time worn traditions with new ones you create together. Avoid unrealistic expectations, while doing your best to make the most of this time.
Let Us Help You Today
When involved in legal proceedings that impact your children and your rights as a parent, you need someone acting as a strong legal advocate on your side. At the law firm of attorney Vanessa L. Prieto, we can help negotiate arrangements that are in you and your child’s best interests. Contact our Fort Lauderdale child time-sharing attorney and request a consultation today.