Protect Your Children From Domestic Violence

Domestic violence in Florida refers to any type of threat, harassment, or physical, emotional, and sexual abuse committed by a spouse, former spouse, domestic partner, or anyone living within your home. It is common among couples and left unchecked, can result in serious, potentially life-threatening injuries and emotional trauma that takes years to recover from. If there are children in the home, they can suffer adverse effects as well, even if they are not the target of abuse. Our Fort Lauderdale domestic violence attorney details how you can assess the situation and the actions you can take to protect yourself and them.
How Domestic Violence Impacts Children
Often targeting live-in partners and spouses, domestic violence may start off slowly, with put-downs, stalking, harassment, or other controlling behaviors. These can quickly escalate to more physical acts involving hitting, punching, pushing, and other types of violence. Regardless of the type or severity of abuse going on in your home, it can take a heavy toll on your health while causing serious and potentially lasting harm to any children living with you.
Even when domestic violence does not directly involve children, they can still suffer major adverse effects. According to the Child Welfare Information Gateway, living in a home where domestic violence is an issue can wreak havoc with their physical and mental health, causes disruptions in their schoolwork, impacts their personal relationships, and makes them more likely to be victims of abuse or neglect in the future. If you have concerns about your situation or the impact it may be having on your children, ask yourself these questions:
- Have your children witnessed intense fighting between you and your spouse?
- Have they felt compelled to get involved in arguments or rush to your defense?
- Have they suffered injuries or threats while trying to protect you from your partner?
- Have they witnessed the police being called to the home?
- Have they had to flee the home with you as a result of your spouse’s or partner’s actions?
Protecting Yourself and Your Children From an Abuser
If you are in a relationship that shows signs of domestic violence and have concerns about the effect the situation may be having on your child, it is important to know that help is available. The Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence (FCADV) offers information and a list of local resources that can help with counseling, emergency shelters, and other needs. Your top propriety should be making sure that both you and your children are safe.
Our domestic violence attorney can help by guiding you in obtaining an injunction for protection against domestic violence, otherwise known as a restraining order. This can keep the abuser from contacting you or appearing at your home while granting you exclusive rights to your children.
Contact Us Today for Assistance
As an experienced Fort Lauderdale domestic violence attorney, Vanessa L. Prieto is dedicated to helping you and your children get the protection you need. To request a confidential consultation, call or contact our office online today.