Recovering From Emotional Abuse During Your Divorce

There are a variety of issues that can bring about the end of marriage, but emotional abuse is one of the most difficult to face and recover from. The abuser typically downplays their actions or behavior, and there are no physical injuries that prove the degree harm done. While filing for divorce can help to address the problem, taking the steps needed to recover is an ongoing process
Types of Emotional Abuse
According to a report in Psychology Today, emotional abuse often begins with blame. Abusive people are often anxious and angry by nature, and when things do not go their way or their tempers get the best of them, they blame the other person. Their attempts at control often spring out of feelings of fear, frustration, and isolation, and blaming and controlling others relieves their feelings of inadequacy and failure. Common types of emotional abuse include the following:
- Yelling or flying into a rage over minor incidents;
- Name calling and making taunts about your abilities or appearance;
- Putting down your ideas and or attempting to diminish your accomplishments;
- Stonewalling, and refusing to speak or engage in conversation and activities;
- Flirting and making suggestive comments about others as a way of making you feel bad about yourself.
Emotional abuse can be more psychologically damaging than physical abuse. When an abuser hits you or breaks something, it is easy to see where they are at fault. With an emotional abuser, victims are more likely to blame themselves or question their reason, and are often told they are overreacting or being too sensitive.
Tips to Help You Recover
While separating yourself from the situation can help put an end to the daily abuse you have suffered, emotional abuse during divorce proceedings may get worse as the abuser struggles to retain control over the situation. Your divorce attorney may be able to shield you from this behavior, by appearing at negotiations and hearings on your behalf. You may be entitled to a protective order if the abuser continues to contact you or threatens physical violence.
During your divorce is a good time to acknowledge the abuse, and to focus on yourself and recovering from what has happened. Livestrong recommends the following tips on recovery from emotional abuse:
- Realize that recovery takes time. Rather than dwelling on the past, focus on practical matters, such as obtaining a place to live or creating a budget.
- Get support through friends and counselors. This is a vulnerable time, and having a trusted circle of people to share your feelings with can help rebuild your self-esteem.
- Find a creative outlet. Consider keeping a journal or taking a class. Avoid isolating or overindulging in alcohol or food.
- Consider joining a support group. Talking with other survivors helps to validate your feelings and your experiences could help someone else.
Reach Out to Us for Assistance
If you are going through a separation or considering filing for divorce in Fort Lauderdale, contact the Vanessa L. Prieto Law Offices, LLC today. We provide the aggressive legal representation you need to protect your rights and interests, while acting as a strong legal advocate to ensure you get the divorce settlement you deserve.