Tag Archives: Fort Lauderdale Timesharing Attorney

Dealing With Blended Families
There is life after a divorce, and it often involves a partner who has gone through the same or a similar experience. Both of you may be dealing with the reality of having to deal with an ex in your life, particularly if there were children from the marriage and you are dealing with… Read More »

Tips For Summer Parenting and Timesharing Plans
Now is the time to consider how your child will be spending their summer vacations. If you currently have a parenting plan and timesharing agreement in place, you may want to review your arrangements with your attorney while considering how to approach making any necessary adjustments. If you are currently going through a divorce… Read More »

Eight Issues That Can Impact Your Parenting Plans and Timesharing Arrangements
Children generally benefit by having both parents actively involved in their day to day lives, but working out these arrangements can be difficult for parents who are separated or divorced. When it comes to implementing parenting plans and timesharing arrangements, issues can arise that require legal intervention. Parenting plan modifications often require a return… Read More »

How A Parenting Coordinator Can Help Resolve Issues In Your Parenting Plan
When parents are unmarried or go through a divorce, dealing with issues pertaining to children can be particularly contentious. Through the Florida court system, parenting and timesharing plans are developed which require both parties to put aside their differences and work together to ensure the best interests of their child are served. Unfortunately, complying… Read More »

Three Things To Keep In Mind During Child Time Sharing Negotiations
The Florida courts place a heavy emphasis on ensuring both parents have the chance to develop a strong bond with children while sharing responsibilities before approving parenting and timesharing plans. Unfortunately, even in otherwise amicable divorce proceedings, issues concerning your children are prone to disputes. As your attorney, we can help ensure your rights… Read More »

Making the Decision To Relocate With Your Child
In Florida, it is not uncommon for people to move from one area of the state to another, whether in pursuit of better career and housing opportunities or just for the sake of a change of scene. These moves are tricky when children are involved, due to the impact on school and social activities…. Read More »

Making A Parenting Plan That Works for You and Your Child
In any divorce where children are involved, the potential is high for conflicts. In the Florida court system, the notion of child custody and visitation has been replaced by parenting plans and timesharing, with the goal of encouraging and fostering close, loving relationships between the child and their parents. While it may take some… Read More »
Why Can’t I See My Children By Myself?
Although the situation is relatively rare, there are divorce cases in which one parent ends up with supervised parenting time or timesharing, which means that the parent cannot see the children without a chaperone or other third party present. There are a variety of reasons as to why a court might limit a parent’s… Read More »
Divorce and Guilt-Driven Parenting
Many parents feel guilty about putting their children through divorce, no matter how appropriate or necessary the divorce may be. They feel guilty that their children no longer have an intact home, that they must shuttle back and forth between two parents’ homes, and that their children have had to witness the stressful and… Read More »
Interstate Timesharing Disputes Under Florida Law
The Florida legislature has adopted the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Enforcement Act (UCCJEA), which is a law that allows Florida courts to exercise temporary emergency jurisdiction over a child who is involved in an interstate custody dispute. (Here, it is important to note that Florida no longer uses the term ‘custody’, instead replacing it… Read More »