What Happens At A Fort Lauderdale Family Court Case Management Conference

If you are going through a divorce in Fort Lauderdale or are dealing with other types of family court issues, having to appear at numerous hearings can be time-consuming and expensive. A case management conference may help in this situation. It can save you money in legal fees, helps address important legal issues, and ensures legal proceedings are going at their proper pace. Our Fort Lauderdale family lawyer explains more about case management conferences and how it may help in your case.
Case Management Conferences In Broward County Family Court
The Broward County Family Court handles some of the most sensitive and potentially volatile types of legal issues. The outcome of these cases can affect your rights in relationships and ownership of property and assets.
Under the Florida Statutes, case management conferences may be ordered by family court judges in divorce, child custody, adoption, and other matters. Either party may request a case management conference in Fort Lauderdale 30 days after serving a divorce petition or complaint on others involved.
During a Fort Lauderdale case management conference, you, your spouse (in the case of a divorce), both your legal representatives, and a Broward County Family Court judge will review your case. This type of conference serves an important purpose, as it can save time in dealing with the following:
- Scheduling or reserving legal motions, pleadings, or other important documents;
- Ordering and overseeing the sharing of evidence, known as the discovery process;
- Exploring the possibilities of a settlement in the case;
- Referring the matter to mediation;
- Coordinating a plan of action in scheduling any required court hearings.
Issues Addressed During A Fort Lauderdale Case Management Conference
Case management conferences in a Fort Lauderdale divorce are set by the Broward County Court. It is important to act quickly in requesting one, as hearing schedules fill up fast. You should also have an experienced legal professional on your side throughout the process, as courthouse staff generally lack time to answer your questions and are not permitted to dispense any legal advice.
Once a case management conference is skilled, our Fort Lauderdale family lawyer can work with you in determining issues that need to be addressed. For example, in a divorce case, this might include the following:
- Rights to remain in the family home and in possession of other property and assets;
- The need for temporary support payments, which may be converted to an alimony order in your final divorce order;
- Temporary child time-sharing arrangements and child support;
- Restraining orders against the other party, which can protect your rights to assets and your personal safety during divorce proceedings.
Request A Consultation With Our Fort Lauderdale Family Lawyer
Get the professional legal service and trusted guidance you need in Broward County Family Court proceedings. Fort Lauderdale family lawyer Vanessa L. Prieto protects your rights and helps you get the best possible outcome in your case. Call or contact us online and request a consultation today.