When Men Are Victims Of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence in Fort Lauderdale is a serious and unfortunately widespread problem. People often assume that victims are primarily women, but the fact is that men suffer in abusive relationships as well. Whether it occurs in a heterosexual relationship or a same-sex marriage, the impacts have the potential to be devastating. Find out more about the problem and the help that is available.
One In Nine Men Experience Domestic Violence
Women are not the only ones who experience domestic violence. While it is more common among them, the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) reports that one in nine men experience some sort of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse at the hands of an intimate partner at some point in their life.
Domestic abuse among men can happen at the hands of women in heterosexual relationships or by a male partner in a same-sex marriage. Common ways in which it occurs include:
- Hitting, punching, pushing, or threatening harm with a weapon;
- Verbal putdowns and threats;
- Sexual harassment and unwanted advances;
- Attempting to manipulate or coercive behavior;
- Humiliation in front of others;
- Making threats against family, friends, or pets.
Victims of domestic violence often have a hard time coming forward and admitting the problem. This is particularly true among men. Society, in general, tends to downplay their suffering, dismiss their experiences, or outright doubt their version of what is going on. Fortunately, there are groups that can help.
Help For Men Who Are Victims Of Domestic Violence
Domestic violence groups in Fort Lauderdale take reports of abuse seriously, regardless of whether the victim is a man or a woman. You can find additional resources, including male-focused support groups, through the National Domestic Violence Hotline.
In regards to legal protections, the Florida Statutes do not differentiate between men and women who are being victimized. Domestic violence is a crime, regardless of gender. If you are currently experiencing it or have concerns that a relationship may become abusive, take these steps:
- Document any violent or aggressive episodes between you and your partner;
- Develop an escape plan, in the event the situation escalates;
- Notify the police of any abusive actions or threats;
- Get the support you need by reaching out to local or national groups and confiding in trusted family or friends.
If your partner is harassing you or otherwise poses a threat, you may be entitled to get a restraining order, otherwise known as an Injunction for Protection Against Domestic Violence. This can prevent your abuser from attempting to contact you in any way while protecting your legal rights regarding property, such as your home, and any children from the relationship.
Reach Out To Our Fort Lauderdale Domestic Violence Attorney Today
At the law office of Vanessa L. Prieto, we protect men and women who are victims of domestic violence. If you or someone you love is a victim, reach out and contact our office to request a confidential consultation with our Fort Lauderdale domestic violence attorney today